Sunday, February 7, 2010

Best Dog Health

As I duplicate this blog with my other one on dog health, I am no longer contributing to this blog. Please click on the title 'Best Dog Health' above for the active blog which details weekly posts.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Natural Treatment of Eczema in Dogs With Homeopathy and Diet

The natural treatment of eczema in dogs is normally by working out what the cause is and then ensuring the treatment follows natural laws.

First lets look at the likely cause.

Disease is all about a struggling immune system. Disease cannot happen when the immune system is in good working order.

There are many factors which may be contributing to your dog’s low immunity - diet, lack of exercise, medical drugs and vaccines, flea and worm treatment, your health (or lack of), harsh training methods and probably a million more.

By virtue of its daily consumption, I consider diet to be one of the most important contributors to a lack of immunity. Processed pet food, often considered to be ‘nutritionally complete’ or ‘naturally balanced’ may be conning you by their pretty packets. But your dog suffers by the nutrient poor food inside.

Just think for a moment. All quality meat goes for human consumption, where the price is high. So pet food comes from the waste. Couple that with a lack of working laws for pet food, a plentiful supply of unethical pet food manufacturers and you have a recipe for disaster.

Of course, not all pet food manufacturers are unethical, but how do you know who isn’t?

Holistic veterinarians from around the world have discovered an enormous boost in the health of their patients when they can convince their people to make a change to a healthy, non processed, mostly raw meat and bones diet. That alone may be the only natural treatment of eczema in dogs you need. That alone may cure the problem.

The skin is the main organ for de-toxing. It is the least important skin of the body. When a dog has eczema, it shows that they have only fallen one notch of health. Suppress that, and it falls another notch, with another more important organ, such as the kidneys or heart, taking the brunt of the de-tox.

The homeopathic treatment of eczema in dogs works by boosting the immune system, so the dog can cure himself. However, if the cause remains, perhaps the diet, it will return. And return. And return.

The homeopathic medicine Rhus tox is a great eczema treatment as long as the eczema is uncomplicated (by past drugs), is better in hot weather and is intensely itchy.

For more appropriate homeopathic treatment of eczema in dogs, a homeopath who treats animals may be your best option.

Monday, January 25, 2010

What You Need to Know About Commercial Dog Food Before Buying Any More

People tend to think that commercial dog food, especially if it has been recommended by their veterinarian is of good quality and is giving your dog the best chance in life. Right?


While vets should be the best people to advise about dog food, sadly they’re not. Why? Because the top commercial pet food manufacturers now financially contribute to many veterinary schools. They have a foot in the door. They can, and do, influence the students.

After all you generally don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

In most countries of the world, there are, at least some basic laws governing the quality of human food, whether it’s fresh produce, meat or fast food.

In no country are there laws (which are enforced) that insist commercial pet food manufacturers use quality ingredients. That means anything can, and does, go.

After all, if meat is of good quality, wouldn’t you sell it to the highest market - the human market? So, it’s only the poorest quality meat, more often meat by-products (such as hair, intestines and contents, chicken feet, brain, skin, grizzle, fat, etc) that goes for dog food.

This means that the overall nutrient quality is as poor as it gets, as different proteins have different nutritional absorbability.

Pet food is always bulked out with inert (or not as the melamine scam from China testifies) filler. Typically, this filler will be the current cheapest carbohydrate. There’s often a world glut of something, driving down the price. It may be sugar one year, wheat the next.

Do you think the addition of sugar into your dog’s diet will serve to improve his health?

Why do you think that diabetes in dogs is on the increase?

Dogs may bulk out their food in the wild, but it would be on fresh plant matter that’s available, such as fruit or leaves.

Cooking destroys many vitamins and enzymes which are critical to the overall health of your dog.

As most dog food is dried pellets, which keep indefinitely at room temperature, preservatives must be used. Some manufacturers claim they have not added preservatives. Look carefully at the wording. They did not add it. This may be true. But preservatives will always have been added to the meat before it was delivered to the manufacturers.

It’s impossible to keep meat products at room temperature indefinitely without the use of strong preservatives. Preservatives that would never be allowed in human food, because of their poisonous effect.

So your dog may be well fed as far as volume is concerned, but will be starving for quality food. How can your dog remain healthy if he’s fed garbage?

Most people would be appalled at the process that goes into the making of commercial pet food. That would be a really good incentive not to feed it. I’m attempting to give you a glimpse behind the scenes, so you can give your dog the best dog food available within your budget and within your time available.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Canine Cruciate Ligament - Natural Treatment

Canine cruciate ligament injury is common. Or becoming more common. I believe that there is one particular area that causes this. And that is the diet.

Dogs are typically fed a diet of processed food. This does nothing for their overall health, as commercial dog food is commonly low in quality, nutrient poor and high in chemicals.

A poor quality diet will lower the immune system of the dog, making it much more difficult to recover from injuries and to ward off disease.

However, redressing the damage already done, by a poor quality diet, is unlikely to help your dog’s current cruciate ligament problem. Important though it is to immediately implement dietary changes, something else is needed, too. Something that will boost the immune system quickly, so that your dog can start healing himself.

Homeopathy works by doing just that - boosting the immune system quickly. This is done by carefully selecting the most appropriate medicine for the job in hand. Then the frequency of dose needs to be worked out and how long that medicine is needed.

Periodically, other homeopathic medicines may be indicated as symptoms change.

All this is best left to the skills of a professional homeopath who treats animals.

However, there are some common homeopathic home prescribing medicines many of which may help in the short term, or completely resolve the case if the damage is uncomplicated or not serious.

The more serious or complicated the problem, the more likely professional help is needed.

Any injury is best started off with the use of medicinal Arnica. If the injury has just happened and is a minor injury, this may be all that is required.

However, the more complicated the injury is, or the more serious, the more likely professional homeopathic help is likely to be needed.

The homeopathic medicine Ruta is a specific for canine cruciate ligament injury, as it is for other animals, including humans. However, the personal symptoms of the dog are needed to match those of the medicine, for it to work.

The main symptom of Ruta, apart from the injury to a ligament, is a weakness. This means your dog may collapse or tend to sit or lie down a lot more than normal.

Any tendon or ligament damage tends to result in inflammation, to prevent further damage occurring. The past use of anti-inflammatory drugs may interfere with the action of Ruta. Expert help may then be required from a professional homeopath, to get things moving again.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dog Ear Infection Treatment With Diet and Homeopathy

If you are looking for an effective dog ear infection treatment you may have to look at overhauling your ideas of a good dog diet, in the process.

You see, processed dog food has been found to be the cause of many serious diseases, by holistic veterinarians around the world. Once they can persuade their dog people to change their perceptions of a what a good diet is, then the animals start to come good, with no extra treatment.

It’s much more sensible to address the cause of any problem, rather than look for a band aid and ignoring the cause.

The fact is, processed dog food, whoever sells it and tells you it is nutritious, is harmful, low quality and nutrient poor.

A quality raw diet, on the other hand, is natural, high quality and nutrient dense. Less food is needed to provide for more quality.

The cost works out at about the same.

You will simply need to put in a little more time.

But your dog will love you and appreciate you all the more.

Once that is firmly in place, you need to decide whether treatment is necessary. This will depend on the severity of the ear infection. If it’s mild, you might like to wait and see. (A diet change over to quality can instigate a detox process of vomiting, diarrhoea and skin eruptions for a few days - hang in there!)

However a serious infection may necessitate you to look for an effective dog ear infection treatment. The most effective treatment of any disease is by raising the immune system. The good diet will go a long way to achieving this. But that will take some time before you see results.

Homeopathy is a fast and effective way to raise the immune system. To use the medicines, you need to be able to match the symptoms of your dog to those of the best medicine.

Pulsatilla is a common home prescribing homeopathic medicine which can resolve ear infections, provided the symptoms agree.

The ear symptoms of Pulsatilla are that the ear pain is worse at night, worse from heat or being in a warm environment. There is some improvement in a cool environment. There can be diminished hearing with the pain, too.

The psyche of a Pulsatilla type is mild, gentle, timid, loving and easily influenced. They love being petted and having attention lavished on them. They really dislike being on their own, always preferring company.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Natural Treatment of Dogs Anemia With Homeopathy

The natural treatment of dogs anemia can work very well when using homeopathy. Homeopathy works by raising the level of the immune system, which is obviously very low in a dog with anemia.

The homeopathic medicine Natrum muriaticum (Nat mur) is made from rock salt. And it is the excessive intake of salt that can be the cause of many maladies, such as anemia. Excess salt puts all the other nutrients out of balance.

Most commercial dog food has too much salt in, so if you are feeding your dog a commercial brand of dog food, this is most likely the cause of the anemia. So by continuing to feed commercial dog food may make this a recurring theme in your dog’s health.

By giving the source of the problem (in this case, the salt) back in a homeopathic (or energetic) form, you are undoing the harm done in the first place.

To select a homeopathic medicine which will have the desired result of raising the immune system, you need to match your dog’s symptoms with some of those of the medicine.

The symptoms of Nat mur include:

  •  chronic anemia
  •  a high thirst
  •  ascites, dropsy or oedema
  •  dry mucous membranes, such as the nose
  •  thin, watery nasal discharge
  •  obstructed nose, so mouth breathes
  •  oral herpes - vesicles (blisters), aphthous ulcers, etc
  •  nephritis, or kidney inflammation with involuntary urination
  •  weak limbs, tender back
  •  loss of hair, with itching

You don’t need to have all the symptoms, but certainly at least three. Nat mur is also a great medicine in the treatment of depression that developed from unresolved grief. Unresolved emotions can play havoc on yours dog’s health just as much as it can on yours. By resolving the grief, the others symptoms disappear, too.